Safety First: Ensuring the Safety of Your Construction Team
2 min readSep 13, 2019


In most places, job-related accidents are nuisances; but on construction sites, they can be deadly. Keep your workers safe by following these steps. Make Sure Every Worker Is Aware of the Potential Risks

Awareness is an important first step in ensuring everyone’s safety. Before any worker sets foot on a construction site, he or she needs to be fully aware of all the potential risks that come with working on an active construction site. Teach them how to avoid those hazards and what to do if they notice a particularly dangerous situation. Building awareness leads to more knowledgeable and informed workers who can avoid accidents.

Train, Train, Train

Lack of proper training often leads to potentially life-threatening accidents. Many of a construction worker’s skills can be learned on the job, but safety isn’t one of them. Train all of your new laborers on standard safety procedures before they set foot on the job site. If you aren’t sure where to start, OSHA offers some excellent resources, including pamphlets, training videos and worksheets.

People sometimes get too relaxed about safety when they get comfortable with their jobs. Make sure all workers, including experienced employees, attend training sessions throughout the year to ensure their knowledge and skills remain fresh. This creates documentation which could prove useful if an employee is injured on site and tries to claim that they were unaware of the appropriate safety procedures.

Require the Right Clothing

Construction workers should always wear HiVisibility clothing. It doesn’t matter if they are working along the side of a busy highway or on a closed job site. Construction sites are busy, chaotic places filled with people, equipment and construction materials. Require your construction team to wear HiVis clothing to ensure employees can see exactly where everyone is at all times.

Also, make sure everyone uses proper safety gear at all times. This includes items like hard hats, protective gloves, safety goggles, and hearing protection. Outfitting all your workers with the right safety gear is vital for maintaining a productive workplace.

Originally publised by our safety gurus at e

Originally published at on September 13, 2019.



Written by

Elevated HR for Elite Employers

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